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The MCAT, a standardized test, is required or strongly recommended for admission to almost every medical school, allopathic, osteopathic, and podiatric, in the United States or Canada.There are separate standardized exams for dentistry and optometry: Dental Admission Test (DAT) and Optometry Admission Test (OAT). The exam is usually one of the main screening devices used by admissions committees; however, the importance attached to the scores varies, depending upon the professional school and on the candidate s other credentials.Medical School Admission Requirements (MSAR) gives some insight into policies at each allopathic school.

Registration Eligibility :

Applicants may sit for the MCAT exam if they are preparing to apply to a health professions school. These include the following types of schools:




Veterinary Medicine

Note: At the time of registration Applicants will be required to accept a statement verifying intention to apply to a health professions school. If, however, Applicants are not applying to a health professions school, or if Applicants are a currently enrolled medical student , Applicant may obtain "special permission" to register for the exam.

Testing Eligibility :

Applicants may take the exam up to three times, but student may register for only one test at a time.

International Students :

If student are an international, student are welcome to take the MCAT exam provided that Applicants meet the eligibility requirements described above. If student are in an MBBS degree program or hold the MBBS degree, student may register for the MCAT exam without seeking special permission.

Special Permissions :

There are two circumstances in which Applicants must apply for special permission to take the MCAT exam:

Applicants wish to take the test for any reason other than applying to a health professions school, or

Applicants are a currently enrolled medical student (other than MBBS degree program)

To apply for special permission, please send an e-mail request to, stating the reason(s) you wish to take the exam. The MCAT exam office will attempt to review and respond to your request within five business days, although heavy volume may delay our ability to reply within this time frame. We therefore ask that you be mindful of registration deadlines, as staff cannot extend closing dates for any reason. 

Admission Requirements :

Medical school admission requirements vary from school to school. In general, most medical schools will expect applicants to have taken the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), and to have completed the following types of courses:

One year of biology

One year of physics

One year of English

Two years of chemistry (through organic chemistry)

To find school-specific requirements for each U.S. and Canadian medical school, see the MSAR Online. To better understand the role and structured of the MCAT exam, read Chapter 4 of the MSAR: Getting Started, “All About the MCAT Exam.”

Applicants should consider volunteering at a local hospital or clinic to gain practical experience in the health professions. A well-rounded sampling of extra-curricular activities or work experiences, both related and unrelated to medicine, will help broaden an applicant knowledge and development.

Students interested in medicine are encouraged to research the wide variety of jobs available in the health professions, to discuss the nature and demands of medicine with a pre-medical advisor or health professional, and to ask a lot of questions before embarking on the application process.

Chapter 7 of the MSAR: Getting Started, “The Admissions Decision,” describes the evaluation process in to further detail including the holistic review approach, personal attributes, experiences and metrics.

Each school specific prerequisites, detailed annually in the MSAR Online, is highly recommended to all prospective applicants and is available at most school libraries, premedical advising offices, and can be purchased from AAMC Publications.

Registering for the MCAT Exam :

The MCAT exam is administered multiple times from late January through early September, and offered at hundreds of test sites in the United States, Canada, and around the world.


Forms of Payment

The MCAT Scheduling and Registration System accepts VISA and MasterCard, including debit cards with the VISA or MasterCard logo.

Accommodated Testing (Examinees with Medical Conditions or Disabilities)

The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) is committed to providing all individuals with an opportunity to demonstrate their proficiency on the MCAT exam, and that includes ensuring access to those with disabilities in accordance with relevant law. Students with disabilities who feel adjustment(s) are necessary are encouraged to apply for accommodated testing.

Test Day Rules and MCAT Security :

Admission and Identification :

When Applicants arrive at the test center, Applicant will be checked in by a Test Center Administrator. Applicants will be asked to sign a sign-in sheet, present a valid ID document, have your fingerprints digitally collected, and have a test day photograph taken. 

An acceptable form of identification must meet all of the following criteria:

• Be current (document must have expiration date that has not passed)

• Have been issued by a government agency (driver s license or passport)

• Include a photo which can be used to positively identify you

• Include your signature, which you will be asked to duplicate on test day

For more information on the check-in process, Prometric provides this video: What to Expect on Test Day Check-In.

For more information on AAMC s collection and use of biometric information, see the Identity Verification Service Web site.

Please note that if all or part of the Biometric-enabled Check-In process is not functioning, you may be asked to give an ink fingerprint or other back up measure.

Testing Center Regulations:

Ensuring the authenticity and validity of test scores is a primary concern of all testing programs. Providing uniform testing procedures and maintaining test security serves the interest of examinees and test score users. In order to provide fair, equal, and secure testing conditions for all examinees, the staff at each testing center will follow common procedures. All examinees are required to comply with these regulations and procedures.

Items Permitted in the Test Room :

Applicants may only bring the following items into the testing room:

Photo Identification

Center-provided scratch paper and pencils

Center-provided locker key

Foam earplugs in an unopened container and presented to the test center administrator for inspection

If Applicants require a personal item for a medical condition (e.g. food, drink, insulin pump, crutches), please see "Personal Medical Items" in Applying for Accommodations.

Items Permitted on Break :

During your scheduled breaks, you may access only food, water, and medication. All break policies are outlined in the 2014 MCAT® Essentials  and Testing Center Regulations and Procedures, which you are required to read. Please be especially mindful of the following policies while taking your breaks:

Do NOT access your cell phone or any other electronic device. Better yet, leave these devices at home or in your car. Even holding or touching an electronic device is considered a violation of MCAT policies and will be treated as such.

Do NOT access any notes or other study materials.

Do NOT leave the testing center.

If Applicants need to access food, water, or medication, make sure to remove the item from any bag, purse, or backpack you may have brought to the testing center. The bag MUST remain in the provided locker at all times.

Honoring Examinee Agreement:

The MCAT Examinee Agreement  sets forth the terms you agree to follow when you take the MCAT. You must read and accept the terms of the MCAT Examinee agreement twice: when you register for the exam, and when you take the exam. Violations of the MCAT Examinee Agreement are treated very seriously and may result in a warning, an investigation, and may lead to criminal or civil legal action. Please take a moment to review this important letter regarding the MCAT Examinee Agreement.

The AAMC has developed guidelines to provide information and help clarify what aspects of your exam experience are appropriate to discuss.

Voiding Exam:

The AAMC offers Applicants an option to void your MCAT® exam if you are uneasy with your performance and do not wish your test to be scored. This opportunity occurs at the end of your exam. 

Submitting Test Center Concerns:

If Applicants have a concern regarding test-day procedures or the testing room environment, Applicants should inform the Test Center Administrator on the day of testing and submit your written concern must arrive by fax or mail within five days of the test date.


MCAT Scores :

Viewing Scores:

Scores are available at the MCAT Testing History (THx) System. The THx system includes all scores from 1991 to the present.

Applicants scores should be released 30-35 days after your test date.

If Applicants tested prior to 1991, Applicant will need to submit a Paper Score Report Request  to the MCAT office.

Understanding Scores :

The three sections of the MCAT exam each result in a separate score. The multiple-choice sections are scored on a 15-point scale.

Requesting a Rescore :

Quality control procedures are in place to ensure the accuracy of scores and score reporting; however, you may request a rescore if you believe a scoring error has occured.

The fastest, most reliable, and most secure way to submit a rescore request is to use the MCAT Document Uploader, which is available in the MCAT Scheduling and Registration System (credit card payments only).

Getting Scores Into AMCAS :

If Applicants have taken the exam since 2003, Applicants scores are automatically released to AMCAS. This means you do not need to take any extra steps to insert your scores into Applicants application, but this also means that Applicant cannot withhold any scores from AMCAS. 

If Applicant need to release scores from a test taken prior to 2003, please use the THx System.

Sending to Non-AMCAS Institutions:

Applicant may release scores electronically, via the MCAT Testing History (THx) System, to other centralized application services: AACOMAS, CASPA, SOPHAS, etc. as well as other individual institutions. If the institution to which Applicant want to send scores is not listed in the THx System, Applicant may use the system to print and mail a copy of score report.

How Long Are Scores Valid?

Medical schools usually accept scores dating back two or three years. If you have taken the exam previously, we recommend that Applicant consult the MSAR® to check the application policies of each school to which intend to apply.


For more detail information visit :


Kindly Note : The information provided here is just indicative information and is provided on “as is” and “as available” basis . We make no claims on accuracy and reliability of the information. For correct/current information kindly contact concerned college/institution/authorities